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About Myself

I  started taking photographs when I was young as we all do, pictures for the family album and to send to friends . With the arrival of the digital age, I got more interested of what can be done with an image especially when I did not manage to get the exposure right and got hooked. I have been taking pictures and digitally editing them a few years now with more intention and insight.

I  am a passionate amateur photographer with the love for capturing moments to remember . I do not specialise in any field of photography . What matters to me is the love for the moment and what it expresses - the mood.

My  preferred subjects are my grandchildren and my dog,  they are a big challenge as they do not follow instructions and in my view this makes the best pictures as they are not posed but natural. 


I  also love taking portraits in my little studio for friends and family so they can take the special moments in time home with them and treasure them forever.

On  my nature walks I love taking pictures of what surrounds me and give nature a more dramatic view with editing - I find this really fascinating because it is like creating magic and a different world .

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